Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prologue to Adventure!

So... I'm moving to Mongolia for a couple years. I think I've told most of my family and friends, but for those who I didn't inform of my impending egress to the Land of the Blue Sky: Why aren't you on Facebook?!

--But yes, I have indeed decided to quit my job in the great city of New York, leave all of you (my friends and family) behind, and move half-way across the world. I promise it is not because you smell, mis-matched your socks, or made an ill-timed joke. Nor was it an act of desperation to get away from this crazy country (or was it?). Rather, drunk on the youthful drought of idealism, I fancifully applied and was accepted to the United States Peace Corps.

My job title is University English Teacher. What this actually means is somewhat ambiguous; I may be teaching at a vocational school, and my students may have a very rudimentary understanding of English, and these pupils may be from quite an age range. The only thing I have been able to determine is 1) I will be teaching English, but 2) I probably won't be at a "university", per se.

I leave on May 31 to Mongolia, and begin my training on June 3. Training lasts until August 17th, at which point I will head to my site and begin getting settled in. I will likely have very limited access to internet during training, but will try to write when I can.

Feel free to leave comments and questions. I'll try to respond--even IF you smell, mis-match your socks, or make ill-timed jokes.

Much love to all of you!


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