Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Petition to Provide Better Financial Assistance to RPCVs

There is a petition for providing better financial assistance to Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs). Many of us joined Peace Corps because we want to make the world a better place, but upon return, it can be exceedingly difficult to get back on our feet. The average student debt for students after college (when many volunteers join the Peace Corps) is about 26,000 according to a report by the Institute for College Access and Success--and that figure is only increasing. Peace Corps allows us to defer our student loans due to hardship--however, most of our loans are NOT forgiven, and we continue to accrue interest on the loans we have.

Financial debt can curtail many of our opportunities when we return to the states; as we seek to get a job, go back to school, find a place to live, etc., finances can be tight and limit what we can do, where we can go, and even the type of education we can receive. While some schools are part of the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows program (which involves RPCVs working in the community while attending classes), it's rare to find a good program that offers much financial aid. Peace Corps is generous enough to give RPCV $250 for each month volunteered abroad (PCVs therefore receive somewhere between $6,250-$6,750 depending on their program). However, this falls far short  of the debt most RPCVs have.

I believe Peace Corps is the US's best way of promoting world peace, acceptance, and understanding. I believe that the Peace Corps does more to ensure homeland security and the safety of America and Americans than any branch of the military. I believe that supporting Returned Peace Corps Volunteers is an investment that will return dividends in the form of greater knowledge, fuller perspectives, creative solutions, and increased philanthropy that benefits all Americans.

You can think of it as a way of promoting the Peace Corps as a tough but rewarding solutions to those considering how they might make the world a better place. You can see it as a way of telling Peace Corps Volunteers that you believe in their future, in what they will do to make America better upon their return from making other countries better. Or you can consider it a way of saying thanks for the two years of hardship helping those in need and promoting the US as a compassionate nation.

For more information about the student debt, go here: http://projectonstudentdebt.org/files/pub/classof2011.pdf
For more information about the Peace Corps, go here: http://www.peacecorps.gov/

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